Why Are Bras So Expensive?

Why Are Bras So Expensive?

Bras can seem like an expensive purchase for something that hardly anyone sees. There's a reason behind the cost, though. Here are a few reasons behind the price tag so you don't get sticker shock when you shop!
The Difference Between High- and Low-Impact Sports Bras

The Difference Between High- and Low-Impact Sports Bras

99% of women are wearing the wrong type of sports bra!! There's a huge difference between high-impact (encapsulated) and low-impact (compression) sports bras. Which one is best for you? Read and find out!

3 Bra Lessons to Learn from Before and After Pictures

3 Bra Lessons to Learn from Before and After Pictures

A picture is worth a thousand words! We're sharing some of our client's before and after photos to show some important bra lessons.
For Mormon Women: Tips On Wearing LDS Garments Tops With Your Bra

For Mormon Women: Tips On Wearing LDS Garments Tops With Your Bra

Read my suggestions on how I suggest LDS women to wear their bra with their garments and the types of fabrics and tops I recommend for large and small busted gals. 

Bra Straps Constantly Falling Down? You’re Wearing The Wrong Size Bra!

Bra Straps Constantly Falling Down? You’re Wearing The Wrong Size Bra!

Are your bra straps constantly falling off your shoulders?  They're trying to tell you're wearing the wrong band size!